Friday, September 7, 2007

Principals Advisory Committee!!!!!

What an awesome meeting. Please post here to comments.


Shorty said...

I agree. We made a lot of progress today im looking forward to the next one!

Tiffiney said...

On Friday September 7, 2007 the student advisory committee met from 11:00 to 12:15 in the high school media center. The Attendies were Heather Smith, Tiffiney Hardmeier, Chrissy Breckenridge, Ashley Miller, Stephanie Van Dehy, Morgan Bailey, Nicole Fitschen, Ziada Murphy, Heather Hack, Earl Robinson, Thomas Shimp, Elizabeth Keturi, Brandon Klein, Monica Hunt, Ashley Barry, Matt Strong, Brian Jones, and Kaitlynn Lee. And of course our principal Mr. Siverston. It was a great sucess for a first meeting. Mr. Siverston provided all the members a lunch from subway and a drink. We discussed about numerous things. From Norms to volunteer work. Norms that have been established for the meetings are what follows. BE ON TIME, BE OPEN TO IDEAS, BE HONEST, WORK TOGETHER, BE RESPONSIBLE, CONFIDENTIAL, RESPECT OTHERS OPIONIONS, STAY ON TASK, NO TALKING OF CERTAIN PEOPLE OR TEACHERS, EVERYBODY PARTICIPATES. These rules must be obeyed at all of the meetings and should be obeyed anywhere and at any time. The student advisory board is put together for the schools improvement. We discussed that if people have a problem with this school they should post something about it on this website so we are aware of the issue. IT ALWAYS DOESN'T HAVE TO BE BAD!!!!! We discussed Jr. ACTs about being aware of requirments. Promotes for Cross Country, Our Track, School newspaper, Dress Policy envorcements. *school assembles* , clean-up for out schools.
Our next meeting will be the second Friday of October.
"I want Action to improve this school"-Mr. Siverston

Rolf Sivertsen - Superintendent said...

During our next meeting I will be inviting Mrs. Poignant, Mr. Mintus, Mr. McCall, and Mrs. Newell. It is important to remember that this is a positive meeting to benefit our school. I will post an agenda for the meeting soon to keep us on task and focused. Please don't be upset if the agenda on deals with certain items initially. If we try to tackle too many issues we will get nothing done. When the meeting is over we will need to develope another agenda for the next meeting. I am really happy that we have formed this group for the benefit of our students. Keep up the good work!
Mr. Sivertsen

astrongguy90 said...

ok i am not part of the committee but i think that one thing the committee should discus is not making the cornell notes a grade and make us do them some of us have our own note taking that we like and it works for us and now midland is making us learn a whole new process... if you want kids to use it don't make us learn it this late in life... teach it to the kids who are just learning how to take good notes and go from there...

astrongguy90 said...

ok i am note part of the committee but i believe that you should seriously think about making cornell notes i grade...honestly if you want kids to learn it teach it to the kids who are just now learning how to take good notes!

chrissy said...

it was brought to my attention in math class today that a student would like for us to have wrestling team they said that it would help our students on their agression. And hopefully their wouldnt be as many fights.

Rolf Sivertsen - Superintendent said...

I am really glad you asked the question about the Cornell notes!! It is funny you asked because middle school students are starting to learn the note-taking system too!! We felt as a faculty that better late than never was better than never. I do hope you understand we arent' trying to punish you, but provide you with skills to be successful in college. Comments? Talk to Mrs. Lucas about this. she has some great ideas.

chrissy said...

Okay. I am veryyyy mad. first hour study hall i received a DETENTION because i was getting help on an assignment but we arent aloud to talk in study hall. STUDY HALL is for study witch includes talking so um yeah there for talking should be aloud. we really need to discus some study hall rules i can understand not talking loud but not talking at all? we need to discuss that one!

chrissy said...

The bilboard committee um i talked to myuncle jeff..and he said yeah he will help and i think my dad might. =) they just need to know date time when and where..
& i am not just speaking for myself when i say this...butt umm in the next meeting lets talk about something other than sports! that was all we talked about the water bottles was turned into sports. we should talk about an acting class and speech and stuff.. that was brought to my attention by someone. && we should also get more people talking in the committee because there are a few MAIN people who were talking...and we should ask everyone...but we should talk about acting..or something that makes our school better nnot just sports.